The Herb Stop Blog

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  • Spearmint vs. Peppermint: The Differences, Health Benefits, & Best Uses

    Spearmint and peppermint are both herbs from the mint family that are commonly referred to as “mint.” However, there are many differences between these minty herbs regarding their health benefits and the best ways to use them.  Keep reading to learn more about the differences between spearmint and peppermint and how we recommend using each so you can maximize their benefits.  Peppermint Benefits & Best Uses Peppermint has a more stimulating scent than spearmint. With its cooling, stimulating, and refreshing scent, peppermint essential oil is ideal for soothing headaches and digestive upset and sharpening your mind and attention.  Many studies...

  • The BEST Hydrating Herbal Teas for Staying Refreshed This Late Summer

    While many of us are already mentally in the upcoming autumn season, it’s still hot out, especially here in Pine, Arizona. These hot temperatures can leave us feeling drained, parched, and quickly tired.  Staying hydrated benefits our mind and body, not just in the short-term, but it can even affect our risk of disease. A study released in January 2023 revealed that optimal hydration may reduce disease risk and slow aging - two excellent reasons to drink up!  So, what is the best way to stay hydrated? For many of us, it’s developing the habit of carrying around a water...

  • Our Back to School AromaBox! Achieve Balance and Increased Focus

    As we emerge from the sluggish summer heat, we enter a time of renewal and fresh beginnings.  Even if we are no longer in school, the season's spirit is still contagious, and many of us naturally gravitate towards planning our focus for the rest of the year and rushing to finish those last-minute summer activities before launching into colder, cozier weather.  Fall is when many of us need to be extra focused, whether helping our kids as they start a new school year or gearing up for big end-of-year goals, deadlines, and holidays. In September’s Back to School AromaBox, we...

  • Top 3 Supportive Herbs for the Cleansing Lymphatic System

    The lymphatic system is one of the body's most important and frequently overlooked systems. You may have heard of lymphatic massages before, but what exactly does the lymphatic system do, and how can you support this system’s cleansing processes? In this guide, we’re sharing all about the lymphatic system, how it cares for our bodies, and how you can support it through healthy lifestyle choices and supportive herbs.  What is the Lymphatic System? The lymphatic system is part of the immune system and is essentially a “garbage disposal” for our bodies. The primary functions of the lymphatic system include filtering...

  • How to Clean with Essential Oils + DIY Cleaner Recipes

    Spring and summer make us want to break out our cleaning products, gloves, and microfiber cloths. By far, one of the best parts of cleaning is stepping back and appreciating the sparkly clean counters and enjoying the fresh, lingering scent.  However, not all of us want to use household cleaners with unnatural chemicals or added artificial fragrances. That’s why we’re sharing some of our favorite DIY cleaning recipes and everything you need to know about using essential oils while you clean!  Not only is making cleaning products undoubtedly easier on the wallet, but the ability to pick and choose your...

  • What is MTHFR Gene Mutation? Common Symptoms & Supporting Your Overall Health

    Recently, we’ve noticed more people coming in with and asking about the MTHFR gene mutation. It seems that more and more healthcare professionals are looking out for this mutation, especially because many proposed symptoms and conditions may be associated with this genetic mutation.  However, this is still a relatively unknown mutation to many people. Keep reading to learn about MTHFR, its common symptoms, and its relationship to folic acid in the body.  What is MTHFR? The MTHFR gene provides your body with instructions for creating the enzyme “methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase.”  This vital enzyme helps the body process amino acids, the building blocks...

  • What is a Carrier Oil? 11 Different Carrier Oils + How to Use Them

    If you’ve used essential oils previously, you may be familiar with the idea that essential oils should always be diluted in carrier oils. But why is this?  Keep reading to learn everything you need to know about carrier oils, how to choose between carrier oils and the different products you can make with a carrier oil and your favorite essential oils.  What is a Carrier Oil? As the name suggests, carrier oils “carry” product to your skin. By adding essential oils to a carrier oil, you create a beautiful blend that dilutes the essential oil.  We must dilute essential oils...

  • Our Top Tips for Adding Zest to No-Cook Meals + A Delicious No-Cook Recipe We Love!

    The last thing most of us want to do when temperatures soar is turn the oven on or work over a hot stove making a stir-fry.  Instead, turn to incredible, tasty no-cook meals to keep cool during summer.  Bland food is never the answer, so we’re sharing our favorite ways to add zest and pizzazz to your no-cook meals and desserts in this article. Keep reading for our no-cook meal tips and a delicious pinwheel recipe that you can use for an entrée or side dish and easily adjust to your taste.  How to Take Your No-Cook Meals to the...

  • Beat the Heat This Summer with these Fantastic Herbal Remedies & Iced Teas

    Many of us find ourselves outside more during the summer, enjoying the beautiful sunshine, longer daylight hours, and fun summer activities like swimming and hiking.  However, getting overheated, sunburnt, and dehydrated in this weather is easy.  So, besides drinking lots of water, what kind of herbal remedies can you use to beat the heat this summer? Here are some of our favorite essential oils, iced teas, and natural skin care products to keep yourself cool and protected during warmer weather.  The Best Essential Oils to Stay Cool Scientific research has shown that peppermint oil creates a long-lasting cooling effect on...

  • 4 Supportive Herbs for Menopause + The Science Behind Them

    Menopause is a completely normal phase of life for women. While it’s not a disease or disorder, it can come with uncomfortable physical and mental symptoms. Since menopause usually lasts around seven years, addressing any discomfort is essential! While some women may need to see a doctor for help with symptoms, many can adjust their lifestyle and use herbal remedies to support their bodies as they change. Of course, we always recommend speaking with your healthcare provider about what is best for you!  However, we want to share some fascinating research into menopause and how herbs can help with common symptoms...